The swimmer's body is in direct contact with the pool water. The unsanitary water of the pool may cause diseases or infectious diseases such as the eyes, ears, nose, throat, skin and digestive organs. Therefore, a pool water disinfection device must be provided. Many swimming pools still rely on chlorine compounds (chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide or trichloroisocyanuric acid) to remove organic matter from the water and disinfect. Although such compounds have a strong ability to continuously disinfect, the by-products formed by the reaction with organic substances bring odor, which irritates the skin and eyes of the human body and makes people uncomfortable. More serious is the formation of trihalomethanes (THM) and haloacetic acid as carcinogens, which are harmful to health. At present, all Olympic swimming pools, swimming venues of large-scale sports games in the world, and almost all high-end swimming venues in developed areas have been converted to ozone for water treatment, eliminating unsanitary chlorine sterilization. The country also recognizes the enormous social and economic benefits of ozone sterilization technology.